The Beauty Rooms - Skin Care Specialists

My interest in everything skin goes back a very long way!  As a teen my struggles with self-confidence were most definitely affected by my appearance which, my skin played a major part.  Looking back now it is a lot easier to understand but back then I didn’t know what I know now & it flamed a whole fire of frustration. 


However, having breakouts, congestion & excess sebum was to have its advantages too as it was what pushed me to develop a regime & deep set interest & passion in skin, which has I now stood to me in later years as my journey veers towards managing my skin through the aging process!

Fast forward a lot of time (….ok almost/over 20 years) to study skin, the effects of stress, nutrition, the environment, product & treatment on the skin & a whole lot of living I have tried, tested & learned a lot. I would like to share my personal knowledge & experience with anyone interested in the topic of skin.

I believe no matter how good or bad you may feel you skin is, there is most definitely always room for improvement  Good skin is always in fashion so I am of the opinion that it is worth investing time & money into it.

X Caroline